Leadership is the cornerstone of healthcare systems. Those in leadership positions in the healthcare system are faced with the complex task of ensuring safe, effective, and efficient care for their patients. Healthcare leaders across the globe are under tremendous strain as healthcare resources (human and nonhuman) dwindle and healthcare demands soar. These leaders face a barrage of new mandates and policies, which at times, seem to compete and conflict with ensuring quality patient care and a quality workplace. It is our goal to support these leaders by providing them with the best evidence possible to support their practice now and into the future.
The LEAD Outcomes Research aims to advance healthcare leadership, nurses’ work environments, health systems, and healthcare policy. We are committed to supporting healthcare leaders by, Creating and Translating Evidence for Nursing LEADership (LEAD) and Health Services.
We believe that nurse leader development is critical to the creation of high-quality healthcare workplaces and leads to improved health services delivery, improved quality of care for patients, healthy workplaces for healthcare providers and better organizational outcomes. To do this we engage with local, national and international nurse leaders and researchers to identify research priorities based on current challenges and issues. We also partner with nurse leaders, nurses, graduate and undergraduate students, decision makers and policymakers to identify pressing needs and issues, as well as knowledge dissemination and exchange innovations. Communicating and collaborating with various groups and individuals ensures that we are providing timely, relevant research that will aid healthcare leaders to expand and improve access to care, improve quality, and coordinate care across the healthcare delivery continuum.